Online Systems

Our Broker Online Account Browser has been designed with brokers in mind to save you time and money which allows you to produce more. With our online system you can instantly view your client's account information through any internet connection 24 hours a day. Information you see online is up to the second accurate and changes our CSRs make are updated instantly.
How to start
You must have a broker account with IFS to use the Broker Online Account Browser. If you have an account, all you need to use the service is a password. To obtain a password call: 1-800-565-1153, or e-mail us at
Tools available online:
Broker Online Account Browser

With this powerful tool you can instantly look up your client's payment history, account status, due date, balance, monthly payment amount, and more. All from the convenience of your own office without even picking up the phone.
- Your client's information available online 24/7.
- Payment history of your clients available to review at any time.
- Immediate look up of your client account status right while you are talking to your client. Saves time for both you and your customer.
- If customer makes a late payment at your office, you have the correct information at your fingertips.

Using the IFS Quick-Quote tool you can produce quotes in seconds online. This is done without installing any software on your computer. You can then pass the quote to the Online Contract Generator to produce a full contract ready to sign.
Generate Contracts

Our Online Contract Generator allows you to quickly generate a completed IFS contract ready to sign. The Online Contract Generator is also tightly integrated with the IFS Quick-Quote and Requested IFS Quotes so you only have to input information once.
Report Payments

The IFS Report a Payment system allows brokers to report payments received at their office on behalf of IFS. Once a payment has been reported, the payment information received by the broker is instantly posted to the client’s file. This information is also immediately available to any IFS Customer Service Representative viewing the client’s account.
Requested Quotes

Quotes provided by fax or e-mail are available to view online once logged into the Broker Online Account Browser. When viewing a requested quote online you can pass the quote information to the Online Contract Generator, fill in the remaining client information, and print a contract ready to sign. No more hand writing contracts!
Generate Reports

Through the use of the available reports online you can quickly view clients that are:
- On Status Intent to Cancel (Pink Slip)
- On Status Returned Cheque
- Due for Cancellation
- Cancelled
- New Contracts for the current month
This allows you to keep track of your clients and gives you statistics of your agency's premium financing volume with IFS.
Process Additionals

Available through our Online Account Browser, this brand new feature allows easy processing of Additionals (Debit Endorsements).